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We are uniquely different from other nonprofits that serve the wounded veteran and service member community in that we provide tools for a better life that are facilitated through evidence-based best practices that have measured outcomes.  Many nonprofits focus on group trips, events, or providing material support that create a temporary benefit the individual.  The recipient or participant of the latter may feel good for a brief time, be it a day, week, or month.  That feeling often diminishes over time and that individual is often right back where they started.  We believe that addressing wellness with training and education is the nucleus of creating a paradigm shift in the lives of those we serve.  The results from our programs ripple throughout the support networks of our clients and influence friends, family and their communities.

On average participants of WWS’s programs have:

• Lost 15% body fat

• Lost 30 lbs. in body weight

• Reduces their medication from a daily average intake of 10 pharmaceutical substances down to 0–3


• Reduced their cholesterol

• Reduced their blood pressure

• Reduced their resting heart rate

• Reduced their risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer

• Improved their functional movement and mobility

• Increased their strength and flexibility

90% of the participants in our programs report:

• Reduced symptoms of post-traumatic stress

• Reduced symptoms of traumatic brain injury

• Reduced stress

• Improved sleep patterns

• Reduced medication

• An increase in home-cooked meals

• Increased physical activity

• Improved interpersonal relationships

• A greater sense of purpose and improved overall wellness

If you are an individual, organization, or corporation interested in services, information, donating in-kind support or making a charitable contribution, please contact us via the form below.

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dba Warrior Wellness Solutions Semper Fit Incorporated  is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation incorporated in the State of North Carolina.  Our Federal Tax Id # is 27-132-0064


Semper Fit Incorporated DBA Warrior Wellness Solutions is inspired by the USMC’s Semper Fit Program, however the USMC has not approved, endorsed or authorized this activity, and no official connection exists between the USMC’s Semper Fit program and Warrior Wellness Solutions.


Warrior Wellness Solutions’s programming is aligned with the DOD philosophy of Total Force Fitness or TFF (pronounced TuFF).  TFF is not a “program” but rather a doctrine that espouses the simple truth that all of our Services embrace: people are more important than hardware and are the cornerstone of our Nation’s defense.   Several features of TFF need to be made clear. First, it encapsulates the tried and true principles of leadership that have served to keep militaries strong, disciplined, and peaked in their Warfighting abilities. Total Force Fitness is a leadership doctrine not a medical manual. It starts with the simple proposition that it is every leader’s responsibility to set the conditions for fitness at all levels and in all situations. Furthermore, while improving TFF the leader must be aware that fitness, total fitness, is holistic and encompasses both the mind and the body.


The opinions expressed by Semper Fit Incorporated DBA Warrior Wellness Solutions are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns. It is important that you talk to your doctor so that you can gather all the information about your health (ex. age, health history, symptoms, etc.) to determine your status. The information provided through Warrior Wellness Solutions is not intended to substitute for consultations with your doctor, nor medical advice specific to your health condition.  Warrior Wellness Solutions and any of their  Representatives, Staff and Officers disclaim any liability arising from your use services or for any adverse outcome of your use of this information provided by Warrior Wellness Solutions for any reason, including but not limited to any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the information provided here.

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