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Warrior Wellness Solutions (WWS) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization providing personalized Functional Medicine and Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching, Rehabilitative and Adaptive Exercise , Mindfulness, Stress Management, Resiliency training, and wellness education to Wounded, Ill and Injured Warriors, their families and caregivers.  Our programs are tailored to veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses or wound co-incident to their military service.


Warrior Wellness Solutions (WWS) is a Durham, North Carolina based GuideStar Platinum rated 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization and maintains fiduciary transparency with third party auditing.  WWS has received Letters of Support validating our programming from the Institute of Functional Medicine and the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy.  WWS has achieved recognition as an America’s Warrior Partnership Four Star Alliance Program of Excellence, and as a Great Nonprofits “Top-Rated Nonprofit”.   WWS has provided integrative health and wellness education and training to thousands of Wounded, Ill, and Injured military service members, veterans, their families and caregivers, medical and support staff, and was recognized with an award for their service with the US Marine Corps' Wounded Warrior Regiment.  Warrior Wellness Solutions received the 2020 Newman’s Own Award for being an instrumental organization in the fight to support our nation’s military and veteran communities.  The WWS team was recognized in a private ceremony by General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Fisher House Foundation , Military Times, Newman's Own, and Newman's Own Foundation.  Many of our nation’s wounded, ill and injured (WII) warriors struggle physically, emotionally and socially to find viable support to help them redefine a life of mission and purpose and to achieve optimal health and wellness. The Veterans Administration and Department of Defense offer training and education however, services that address chronic disease, lifestyle, overall health and wellness and restore a sense of purpose are lacking for veterans living in rural areas and those without easy access to programming.  Given our nationwide wellness industry connections and relationships, we are able to scale our work to any level we are able to obtain funding and support for.


"A Functional Medicine–trained health coach is an extremely valuable member of a collaborative care team who help patients make lasting lifestyle changes in diet, exercise, stress reduction, sleep, and other modifiable lifestyle factors.  Health coaches makes the clinician’s treatment protocol more effective and improves patient compliance and outcomes by providing individualized support. credit The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy 

"The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, evidence-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes."  credit The Institute for Functional Medicine

Warrior Wellness Solutions (WWS) guides our clients to:

  • Improve their physical and mental health, reduce dependency on medications, and mitigate risk of suicidal ideations.

  • Reduce chronic pain and inflammation, improve tissue repair and restore functional movement through rehabilitative exercise programming.

  • Reducing and mitigating the symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress (PTS), blast overpressure, heavy metals toxicity, chronic stress, environmental exposures and sleep deprivation through lifestyle modifications working in concert with clinicians.


  • Functional Medicine and Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching

  • Rehabilitative and Adaptive Exercise

  • Mindfulness, Stress Management, and Resiliency Training

  • Wellness Education

  • Recreational Therapy and Adaptive Athlete Support

We serve an average of 80 new clients per year and have hundreds of additional clients served yearly who have already completed our Initial 6-month program and moved into our Long Term Continuum of Care. 



In 2017 our annual operating budget was $140,000.00 with 97% of donations funding direct programming. 

Here is a link to our Financials.



Warrior Wellness Solutions is leading the charge to bring Functional Medicine (FM) and Functional Medicine Health Coaching (FMHC)  into the active duty and veteran arena with several partners.  WWS along with these partners have a well documented track record of dramatically changing the lives of Wounded, Ill, and Injured service members and veterans we serve.  Our current collective nonprofit projects are the only mechanism to deliver FM services nationwide and we are looking for introductions to larger funding sources to scale up and deliver our collective services to more of those in need   For several years we have sat on multiple VA and DOD Hospital Boards as veteran representatives, consultants and Functional Medicine advocates.  We have partners and team members who have recently briefed the White House Doctor, Head of DHHS and the Pentagon on the value of and tenets of FM.  With that said, fundamentally changing DOD / VA Healthcare may take years and we need YOUR help to move the mission forward.

Please mail all donation checks to the following address: 

Warrior Wellness Solutions 732 Ninth St. #581 Durham, NC 27705 or donate directly here via our no fee PayPal Giving page.


If you or your organization is planning a fundraising initiative please feel free to utilize our "Give the Gift of Wellness" Promo Video on YouTube.  Additionally, feel free to utilize our logo here.


Elijah Sacra 

Executive Director



Executive Director and US Marine Corps Veteran, Elijah Sacra is an Exercise Physiologist and Functional Medicine Health Coach who has served on the Executive Roundtable and Vision Sharing Board for Non-Profit and Community Participation in Achieving World Class Standards of Care and Services for Wounded Warriors at the New Joint Services Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and as a coach for TEAM Marine Corps for the 2015 Department of Defense Warrior Games.   He has been educated in Pain Care Skills by members of the Department of Defense Wounded Warrior Pain Care Initiative based at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.  Elijah served for several years as Board Treasurer for the North Carolina Veterans Business Association, worked as a Staff Accountant for Ernst & Young in Expatriate Tax Accounting, holds a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Duke University and is trained in Logic Model Reporting by the RAND Corporation.  He currently serves as the Director for Functional Movement and Rehabilitation for the Special Operations Health Initiatives Medical Advisory Board, on the Durham North Carolina VA Veteran Engagement Panel for Research Partnership at the Center for Health Services Research, and on the National Veterans Administration Veteran Engagement Panel for Patient Centered Strategies to Improve Pain Management.  He is a 2018 Patient Scholarship Recipient for the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute for his valuable perspectives and expertise on Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs patients, caregivers, and patient representatives focusing on the theme “From Evidence to Impact: Putting What Works into Action.  Elijah was chosen to present at the Institute of Functional Medicine's (IFM) 2019 Annual International Conference (AIC) on Stress, Pain, and Addiction: Transformative Treatments and Innovative Solutions, where he will be presenting researchers and clinicians the myriad of ways in which these issues, individually and collectively, impact health along with speaking on "Pain In the Military: Patient and Practitioner Perspectives".  

Practice & Curriculum 

Here is a link to our Logic Model & Process Narrative to give a global perspective and snapshot of our services.

Here is our average yearly aggregate data for our program outcomes.

Here are stories on our work.

Here is a link to our organizational brochure.

Here is a Consumer Reports Article that features WWS and our Executive Director's  story that will be featured in a brochure in every VA hospital nationwide.

What is Functional Medicine?

  • Click here to read "Functional Medicine Initiative / FM(I): The Solution To Chronic Veteran Health Issues"

If you are an individual, organization, or corporation interested in services, information, donating in-kind support or making a charitable contribution, please contact us via the form below.

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dba Warrior Wellness Solutions Semper Fit Incorporated  is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation incorporated in the State of North Carolina.  Our Federal Tax Id # is 27-132-0064


Semper Fit Incorporated DBA Warrior Wellness Solutions is inspired by the USMC’s Semper Fit Program, however the USMC has not approved, endorsed or authorized this activity, and no official connection exists between the USMC’s Semper Fit program and Warrior Wellness Solutions.


Warrior Wellness Solutions’s programming is aligned with the DOD philosophy of Total Force Fitness or TFF (pronounced TuFF).  TFF is not a “program” but rather a doctrine that espouses the simple truth that all of our Services embrace: people are more important than hardware and are the cornerstone of our Nation’s defense.   Several features of TFF need to be made clear. First, it encapsulates the tried and true principles of leadership that have served to keep militaries strong, disciplined, and peaked in their Warfighting abilities. Total Force Fitness is a leadership doctrine not a medical manual. It starts with the simple proposition that it is every leader’s responsibility to set the conditions for fitness at all levels and in all situations. Furthermore, while improving TFF the leader must be aware that fitness, total fitness, is holistic and encompasses both the mind and the body.


The opinions expressed by Semper Fit Incorporated DBA Warrior Wellness Solutions are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns. It is important that you talk to your doctor so that you can gather all the information about your health (ex. age, health history, symptoms, etc.) to determine your status. The information provided through Warrior Wellness Solutions is not intended to substitute for consultations with your doctor, nor medical advice specific to your health condition.  Warrior Wellness Solutions and any of their  Representatives, Staff and Officers disclaim any liability arising from your use services or for any adverse outcome of your use of this information provided by Warrior Wellness Solutions for any reason, including but not limited to any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the information provided here.

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